Arthur pays tribute with homemade poppy memorial

87 year old Arthur Trigger served in the British Army from the age of 18. He and his fellow Moat House residents have created their own poppy memorial to mark Remembrance Day.

“I started with National Service and moved to Yorkshire when I was just 20 to join the Lancers Regiment. I travelled all over including Scotland, Italy and Germany where I carried out my tank training!” said Arthur who spent over a decade in the army before joining the police.

“I am very proud of our poppy banner and I salute it every time I pass it. I will remember those who fought for us all with pride.” He added.

Violet Rees, 98 was a sergeant with the Royal Artillery, “I think it is very important to honour and show our respect on Remembrance Day. I think our poppy banner looks amazing and it’s clear a lot of effort went into it. I think we did a jolly good job!”

Nicky French, Moat House Care Home Manager added: “Remembrance Day activities are very popular with our residents who are always keen to show their respect. This year we have enjoyed hearing army stories from Arthur & Violet who were among residents who contributed to our wonderful poppy memorial. We’re all very proud of ex and current servicemen and women here at Moat House.”