Adept Care Homes provides adult residential social and dementia care across 7 sites throughout the Midlands. We work closely with partner organisations that provide regulatory and support services to the health and care system.
Further details about what we do can be found on both our umbrella website and the individual care home websites.


Adept Care Homes fully supports the Government’s objective to eradicate modern slavery and human trafficking and it recognises the significant role we can all play to combat this in the workplace. We are committed to ensuring our supply chains and
business activities are free from abuses.

Steps taken to date include:


  • We confirm the identities of all new employees and their right to work in the United Kingdom, and pay all our employees above the National Living Wage
  • We have the following policies and procedures which provide a platform for employees to raise any concerns regarding these issues.
  • Employee Grievance, Whistleblowing, Care staff number of shifts, Recruitment and retention, Supervision and appraisal and Bullying and harassment.

Whistleblowing at Adept

  • Adept has a Whistleblowing policy which allows any members of staff to raise concerns in an appropriate and protected way. We escalate any concerns for further
  • investigation and offer support to individuals to ensure they do not suffer detrimentally as a result of whistleblowing.

Procurement and our supply chain

  • We are currently in the process of drawing up effective policies to ensure that our supply chain comply with the governments objectives.


We intend to take further steps to identify, assess and monitor potential risk areas in terms of modern slavery and human trafficking, particularly in our supply chains.

In 2020/21, our anti-slavery programme will also:

  • Support staff to understand and respond to modern slavery and human trafficking, and the impact that every individual working for Adept can have in keeping present and potential future victims of modern slavery and human trafficking safe.
  • Ensure that all Adept staff have access to training on how to identify those who may be victims of modern slavery and human trafficking.
  • Expand our safeguarding policy to include staff as well as residents to ensure modern slavery and human trafficking are taken seriously and features prominently in safeguarding work plans.
  • Review our policies and training programme regularly to ensure that Modern Slavery and human trafficking are integral within the content and staff are directed to support and advice as needed.

Dave Lock, Managing Director
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and
applies to Adept Care Homes.
The Board approved this statement at its meeting on 28th February 2020.