A Birthday Surprise for Evelyn

Family united at Redditch Care Home

Evelyn Hickey, a resident at Bowood Court and Mews Care Home (Redditch) turns 94 and to celebrate, her family has a special guest to surprise her, her new great-granddaughter.

Bowood Court and Mews introduced its garden visiting scheme in June but this visit was set to be extra special. Evelyn’s great grand-daughter Rosa was born in January 2020 but quickly developed viral meningitis. Before making a full recovery and meeting her new family, the UK entered full lockdown which saw care homes close its doors to non-essential visitors.

To celebrate Evelyn’s 94th birthday, her family contacted the home to arrange a special birthday surprise and the pairs first-ever meeting.

“It was so lovely to be able to see my Nan on her Birthday, and meeting her Great Granddaughter Rosa for the first time made it all the more special. Rosa was full of smiles for her Great Nanny. They got off to a great start. We’ll be arranging another visit soon” said Marie Bedford, Evelyn’s Grand-daughter and Rosa’s mum.

“I knew I was having a visit from my family but what a surprise. It was so nice to meet Rosa and can’t wait to see her again, it made my birthday very special,” said Evelyn.