Residents at a local care home, Bowood Court and Mews in Redditch enjoyed a visit from Alfie the therapy horse, his companions and his owner, Sarah.
Alfie’s visits offer not only fun, laughter and comfort but, for those with dementia, memory recall, stimulation and mood enhancement.

“People who struggle with speech will try and talk to the horses and I take brushes in so people can groom them, which helps with movement and co-ordination. We have accessories to help dress the horse’s hair and of course the residents love to pet them, and the horses love all the fuss and attention,” said Sarah.
Due to their size, the animals are able to fit in lifts and so visit those who may not be well enough to come out of their bedrooms.
Kelly Bates, Home Manager at Bowood Court and Mews, said: “The visit was wonderful, it really gave warmth, smiles and joy to our residents. Seeing their reaction was priceless and so rewarding. One of the residents was overwhelmed when she saw Alfie, and it even brought a tear of joy to her eye.
Gwendoline May, a resident at Bowood Court, pictured above, said: “I never expected this — what a real treat. I love horses and these two have made my day.” Gwen used to work on a farm with a variety of livestock such as Alpaca’s, sheep, donkeys and of course horses, as well as her 2 cats, Sunny and Cher.
Sarah, who owns the therapy business, said: “Our animals touch lives in a way that we as people cannot, simply by being there. These life-enhancing visits provide physical, mental and emotional healing. Our Animals are true healers.”