Residents and team at Bowood Court Care Home in Enfield, Redditch held a lavish party to celebrate, following their latest inspection by industry watchdog the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Residents and the team at Bowood Court enjoyed the celebration with live entertainment from Susan Berry, party games, food, and topped off with a glass or two of champagne.
Inspectors made an unannounced visit to Bowood Court Care Home earlier in the year, where they spoke with residents, relatives, and team members, as well as reviewed care records.
The care home received an overall “Good” in the inspection report and stated that “residents were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff support them in their best interests.”
“What a wonderful afternoon, the entertainment was superb, and the team deserves this for all their hard work, they always make sure we are well cared for and want for nothing,” said Kath, a resident at Bowood Court Care Home.
“It’s so wonderful to see the residents and team having so much fun. Everyone enjoyed the celebration and the delicious cakes. We are delighted with our latest CQC inspection report. The report reflects our team’s hard work and dedication, ensuring our residents enjoy a safe, caring, and comfortable environment, helping to make Bowood Court Care Home a superb place to live or work!” said Tracy O’Sullivan, Bowood Court Home Manager.