Hear, Hear! New Device Gives Adept Care Homes Residents an Earful of Joy!

Innovative Device Transforms Communication for Hard of Hearing Residents at Adept Care Homes

Midlands-based care homes have introduced a ground-breaking device that dramatically enhances residents’ lives, who are hard-of-hearing. This transformative technology was discovered during a visit from local healthcare professionals by the Moat House Activities and Wellbeing team.

The journey began with Joyce (100), a resident who struggled significantly with hearing loss, making it nearly impossible for her to communicate effectively about her daily choices, care preferences, and engage in meaningful conversations. During the visit, the healthcare worker introduced a specialised personal device to help communicate with Joyce more effectively. To everyone’s amazement, Joyce who rarely communicates verbally, not only heard the nurse clearly but engaged in an in-depth conversation.

Inspired by this success, the team at Moat House quickly set to work to acquire their own devices. Now, Joyce, who is also nearly blind, along with other residents facing similar hearing challenges, can use these devices to vastly improve their ability to hear and communicate. Residents can now enjoy conversations with loved ones, listen to entertainers, hear their favourite music, and actively participate in discussions about their care and meal preferences.

These devices are designed to eliminate background noise while amplifying the speaker’s voice, enabling residents to hear more distinctly. This innovation is proving to be life-changing, significantly enhancing the daily quality of life for residents at Adept Care Homes.

“This is groundbreaking for our residents,” said Paul Bundyford, Home Manager at Moat House. “The ability to communicate effectively has had a profound impact on their wellbeing, allowing them to connect with others and engage in activities they love.”

The introduction of this device underscores Adept Care Homes’ commitment to providing high-quality, person-centred care. By embracing new technologies, the home continues to enrich the lives of its residents, ensuring they have every opportunity to lead fulfilling and active lives.

For more information about this innovative device and its impact at Adept Care Homes, please  contact Maree Leadbeater on marketingmanager@adeptcarehomes.co.uk

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