Dear Residents, Families and Friends.
We have received new government visiting guidance with significant changes. We will review our visiting policies and provide our updated guidance later this week. The good news is that you can expect much better access to your loved ones shortly.
In the meantime, I would like to relate to you how the past (nearly) two years of pandemic has affected our homes and the service we provide.
The challenges have placed unprecedented pressure on the whole care sector. I am sure that you have read about all of the issues in the media so there is no need for me to explain, except to say they have all added greatly to the workload and stress of our management and wider team. For a long time, our central homes support team were unable to visit homes to provide their essential support. Inevitably, this and pandemic restrictions have affected some of the services that we provide to our residents.
However, we believe that we have done better than most care providers and continue to work hard to meet your loved ones needs. Where possible, all residents have received their Covid Boosters and 100% of our team are vaccinated, or medically exempt. We continue to provide the best care possible and deliver strong resident-focused activities in all the homes. You can view our Autumn Newsletter here.
With the potential of Covid being here for some time to come we have made a Pandemic Revival plan to push on with bold changes to return life in our homes to our pre-pandemic levels that make Adept ‘A superb place to live or work’.
Like all care providers, our greatest challenge is maintaining staffing levels to keep your loved ones safe. So, to thank all our team for their hard work throughout Covid we have brought forward April 2022 annual pay rise and increased pay by 6% on 29th September 2021. We have also introduced our new team benefits package including private GP access, discounted shopping, cinema, bikes, etc. These measures should encourage team retention, and to promote recruitment we offer a £600 Golden Hello payment.
I would like to announce that Business Director Kenny Nelson has now stepped up to Managing Director, I have moved to Executive Chair, and two further new directors have been appointed. You can view details here.
We have also made some management changes to strengthen our management and enhance our homes support team. You can view our new management structure here.
Finally, I would like to say how proud we all are of adept’s achievements over this very difficult period by receiving ‘’ s Top 20 Best UK group award’ for the fifth year running as well as the Care Home Awards High Commendation Award for Best Small Care Home Group.
Yours sincerely

Dave Lock
Executive Chair