Samantha Kavanagh, Home Manager and Sally Jackson, Senior Carer at Harrier House Care Home in Hucknall ‘BRAVED THE SHAVE’ by shaving their heads on Tuesday 28th February 2023 at Harrier House to support the resident’s social fund and their in-house ‘Make A Wish’ programme.
This fundraiser is part of a range of activities and fundraising events the team at Harrier House take part in, to ensure their residents are living meaningful and enriched lives as well as to give back to local communities, charities, and organisations.
“The home also has an in-house ‘Make A Wish’ program, where every resident is encouraged to make a wish, no matter how big or small,” said Sam.

Speaking of the experience, Sam said: “I am delighted to be able to do something that will go above and beyond for our residents. The residents are still very active in their local community and have so much passion for life. Since Harrier House opened its doors in May 2021, we have been governed by so many restrictions due to Covid, I want to make sure our residents can make the most of it, with day trips, garden parties, celebrations and so much more.”
Rosaline, a resident at Harrier House wishes to “see a live Tom Jones concert, I would love to meet him in person.”
The wishes are put on in the home’s magic wish tree and every month, one resident is picked at random to have their wish come true. “We would like to grant everyone’s wish. The possibilities are endless. We are wholeheartedly supported by the residents. Thank you to everyone for all their support and helping us make Harrier House a superb place to live or work,” said Sam.
If you are looking for care or need any further help, contact the home on 0115 6470180.