Residents and team at Harrier House Care Home invited all forms of emergency service and healthcare professionals to join them for breakfast.
The ‘Blue Light’ Emergency Services professional breakfast, hosted by Harrier House Care Home in Hucknall is a social event which sees residents and local community professionals come together to have fun, socialise and really get to know one another over breakfast, whilst saying thank you for all the amazing work they do within our community.

“What a lovely morning, it was so nice to see them enjoying themeselves and getting a good breakfast inside of them,” said Yvonne, a resident at Harrier House.
“We all had a great time at Harrier House. We got to know the residents and the team on a personal level rather than just in a professional capacity. It’s not very often we get time to sit and engage with the local community and really listen to what they have to say, whilst eating a tasty, warm breakfast. I will definitely be back,’ said one Police Officer.
Sam Kavanagh, Harrier House’s Home Manager concluded: “It’s so wonderful to see the some of the residents’ families getting to know the nurses that visit and provide care for their loved one. The visit was such a success we plan to add this to our existing list of monthly social events that are so popular with our residents.”