Kiwi’s Florence Nightingale Reminisces on Life as a Nurse

Kiwi House Care Home’s answer to Florence Nightingale, former nurse Margaret Martin aged 83 shares her experience of being a registered children’s nurse, a career she enjoyed for most of her working life.

“I found you need patience and to be able to read and understand people to be a good nurse. I worked with adults and children, but the children were my favourite as I used to play with them and make them feel at ease which made them relax and calm. I nursed at Derby District Hospital and also at St Ashborne Hospital and I loved every second of it. It’s a wonderful caring profession and I feel as I was and still am appreciated for my work as a nurse,” explained Margaret who spent time reminiscing with District Nurse Miss B Hill, thanks to carers at Kiwi House who organised the meeting to help Margaret share some of her life stories.

“It has been wonderful to listen and share nursing stories with Margaret today. I think it’s important to acknowledge and respect residents, many of whom have such interesting stories to tell and this is a great initiative from the team at Kiwi House to make sure these memories are heard. It’s clear Margaret was a caring and passionate nurse, which is still vital today,” commented Miss Hill, District Nurse.

“I made so many memories and friends as a nurse, they were very good years. I’m not sure if it’s the same now, but back then, the stereotype of handsome doctors was definitely a reality!” added Margaret.