Douglas Court Care Home Hosts a New Visitor as The ‘Mane’ Event.

Residents at Douglas Court Care Home were treated to a special visit from Cupcake, the therapy horse, in an event that brought joy, laughter, and heart-warming moments to all.

Cupcake’s visits are more than just a delightful encounter; they offer residents a unique experience filled with fun, comfort, and therapeutic benefits. For those living with dementia, the presence of Cupcake stimulates memory recall, enhances mood, and provides valuable stimulation.

Cupcake’s handler, shared, “People who struggle with speech will try and talk to the horses, and I take brushes so they can groom them, which helps with movement and coordination. We have accessories to dress the horse’s hair, and of course, the residents love to pet them, and the horses adore all the fuss and attention.”

What makes Cupcake’s visits truly special is her ability to reach residents who may not be able to participate in group activities. Thanks to her manageable size, Cupcake can fit into lifts and make visits to residents in their own bedrooms, spreading joy to all corners of the care home.

Home Manager at Douglas Court Care Home, expressed her delight, saying, “The visit was wonderful, bringing warmth, smiles, and joy to our residents. Witnessing their reactions was priceless and incredibly rewarding. One resident was overwhelmed when she saw Cupcake, and it even brought a tear of joy to her eye.”

A resident at the home shared her excitement, saying, “I never expected this — what a real treat. I love horses, and cupcake has made my day.”

Pony therapy involves interactions between individuals and ponies under the guidance of trained professionals, providing physical, mental, and emotional healing. For residents of care homes like Douglas Court, pony therapy offers a host of benefits, including triggering memories, promoting movement, and fostering emotional well-being.

For more information about pony therapy at Douglas Court Care Home and beyond, please call 01332 346060.

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