Dear Residents, Families and Friends.
We have made significant improvements in many areas of our service since the CQC inspection on 20th April.
After the inspection we put an immediate voluntary stop on admissions to ease the team workload pressure and concentrate on our recovery plan. We take the responsibility of caring for your loved ones very seriously and the plan covered actions to improve every area that needed improvement, and a good amount has been put in place. Linda Sturdy, an experienced Home Manager, joined Kiwi House a month ago and has now settled in. We have created 2 new group positions to bolster support for all our homes; Nicky French is our Relief Manager after many years with us as a successful Home Manager, and Trevor Slade, an experience Compliance Manager, joined us a month ago.
Maria Hallam is returning to work alongside Linda as Care Manager shortly after a spell at one of our other homes. Jordele has returned to us with a promotion to Care Co-ordinator, and several other good ex-team members have re-joined the team. The team now feel a lot more supported.
I would like to thank our team for working so hard to improve the service quality since the inspection. However, we all fully understand that there is still much more to do and admissions will only restart once we consider that our service has returned to our previous quality.
Please refer any comments or queries to Linda at Kiwi House.
Yours sincerely

Dave Lock
Managing Director