A nice day to remember our weddings

19th May, 2018: Prince Harry and Meghan’s beautiful Royal wedding got us all in the mood for a wedding party and also promoted residents to share their top tips for a long and happy marriage.

Last year, Peter and Betty Lister celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary with a special party at Kiwi House where they live together. They agreed that the secret to a successful marriage is simple: “Tell each other you love each other every day – no matter what has unfolded in the day,”. The happily married couple also put their ability to trust and support each other throughout their lives as a key factor in their own happiness.

Joyce and Melvin Douglas were married for 54 years, Joyce’s advice was “Let your partner fulfil their ambitions and encourage them to follow their dreams,” and Doris Parnell, who was married to childhood sweetheart Rodger for 57 years, added: “You have to listen to each other, and I mean really listen!”

Bowood resident Joyce Mills said: “It’s simple really, just remember to compromise”.

Cliff and Doris Salt who both live at The Old Vicarage have been happily married for many years said their top tips are to ‘always communicate with each other and never go to bed on an argument’. “Make time and show interest in each other,” said Jean Jackson and Kathleen Haines, who was happy married for 19 years to Frederick Robert Haines said, “share everything 50/50 right from the beginning!”

“It’s been so lovely hearing our residents looking back over their married lives. We’ve focused a lot of our activities on weddings and residents have loved sharing their wedding albums with us.” Karen Betts, Old Vicarage Home Manager