Homes Visiting Update (Team)


Dear Residents, Families and Friends.

I hope you are keeping well. Here is our updated guidance on how we can support you to visit your loved ones based on the government care home visiting guidelines published yesterday.

The changes, in brief, are that we must now limit visits to ONE essential visitor or a group of THREE visitors maximum plus pre-school age children.


For the safety of your loved ones all team, healthcare professionals and contractors must be fully vaccinated, or medically exempt, prior to entering our care homes. The government now strongly recommend the same for family visitors, but they are not requiring this. We believe that you, the relatives, should vote to decide this important question. Please click on the link to our survey and answer YES or NO to ‘Should all visitors be fully vaccinated to enter our care homes’ The survey will close Thursday 16th December at 16.00 and we will then announce the result.

Our full revised visiting arrangements are detailed below with changes in red and commence from Saturday 18th December.

Yours sincerely

Dave Lock

Executive Chair


  • You can make visiting entry appointments via our Adept Care Homes website.
  • Entry times are available at 15-minute intervals to allow our team to screen visitors and to prevent excessive people in the entrance and corridors.
  • You may visit as often as you like providing entry times are available for everyone to do so.
  • To protect mealtimes, entry times are available from 10.00 to 11.45, 14.00 to 16.30, and 18.00 to 19.30 and we ask all visitors to leave our care home between 12.15 to 14.00 and 16.45 to 18.00.
  • We will review the entry time frequency closer to Christmas for the expected increased demand over the festive period, or before if necessary.
  • Apart from mealtimes you may spend as long as you wish with your loved one but upon arrival, please let us know your estimated departure time.
  • Your visits will be in the comfort and privacy of your loved one’s room.
  • You may visit your loved one in a group of up to a maximum of THREE visitors in total, (excluding essential visitors and pre-school age children). Please consider how room overcrowding may create anxiety for your loved one.
  • You must not access any other area of the care home, including toilets, except for your loved one’s room and children should be supervised accordingly.
  • Each visitor, including children over the age of 4 years, must provide proof of a negative lateral flow test (LFT) that has been registered on the government website on the day of your visit.
  • You may collect a LFT from our care home and conduct it at your home prior to visiting. Or you may conduct your LFT upon arrival at our care home, but you will have to wait up to 30 minutes for the result prior to entry.
  • Prior to entry you must have a successful screening by a team member who will ask you some infection control questions and do a temperature check.
  • You cannot visit if you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 or if you feel at all unwell even if you are vaccinated and have tested negative.
  • Upon entry our team will ask you to sanitise, or wash, your hands and provide you with PPE (surgical mask, apron, and gloves) to wear at all times within the care home.
  • You must follow all government Coronavirus guidelines at all times during your visit.
  • We encourage you to hug and hold your loved one’s hand to help their health and wellbeing. Gloves may be removed for hand holding but we ask for your hands to be washed before and afterwards and if there is no toilet in the room, please ask our team where to do this.
  • To keep visitor numbers inside our care homes down, please make any care queries about your loved one by phoning our care home and not during your visits.
  • Any items you bring in for your loved one should be easily cleanable like boxes but not flowers etc.
  • If you are exempt from wearing a face covering, you must inform us prior to visiting. We will consider the matter taking into account all circumstances such as your vaccination status and relationship to the resident.
  • Your visit is not conditional upon being fully vaccinated: however, this is strongly recommended by us and the government for the safety of your loved one and our other residents.
  • We will notify changes to our visiting arrangement via our text service so please ensure that our care home has your mobile phone number.
  • We may need to exclude a resident from receiving visits in rare exceptional circumstances should a risk assessment determines this is necessary i.e., particularly those clinically vulnerable to Covid.
  • Internal visiting may be suspended for a period, or cancelled, without notice upon guidance by our care homes’ local authority. However, visiting will then continue in our external visiting pods.


Our external Cabins and Gazebo will now only be utilised should a Covid-19 outbreak occur in our care home. Any 2 residents or team members testing positive is classed as an outbreak and these are mainly team infected within the local community who then isolate out of work to avoid infection risk within our care homes

  • You should book a 20-minute visiting slot via our website
  • You are not required to have RFT or wear a face mask.
  • You may hug your loved one before and after your visit.
  • You will not be able to enter any area of our care home including toilets.


You may take your loved one on visits out of our care homes and they may stay overnight in your home. However, we ask that you strictly follow our infection control and testing guidelines to keep your loved one safe and avoid return infection risk to our other residents.

  • You may take you loved one on external visits out of our care homes to visit your home or outdoor spaces such as parks, or public gardens.
  • Your loved one should not go into any indoor spaces other than your home.
  • They may stay overnight at your home subject to our care home’s prior risk assessment and authorisation.
  • Please agree collection and return times with our care home prior to your arrival.
  • Visitors must provide proof of a negative lateral flow test (LFT) that has been registered on the government’s website on the day of your visit.
  • You may collect a LFT from our care home and conduct it at your home prior to visiting. Or you may conduct it upon arrival at our care home, but you will have to wait up to 30 minutes for the result prior to entry.
  • Your loved one must only travel to and from the visit in your car or a private taxi and not by public transport.
  • All visitors to your home whilst your loved one is there must provide you proof of a negative LFT that has been registered on the government website on the day of their visit.
  • Residents will not have to self-isolate when they return.
  • If you need the support of a team escort, please discuss with our care home.


Essential visitors are given access to all communal areas of our homes and therefore must comply with the same stricter testing regime that our team do.

  • Essential visitors will usually continue visiting in the event of an outbreak unless we are requested not to by our local authority.
  • All residents may have ONE essential visitor (care giver) for regular internal visits who are authorised and registered with our care home.  
  • In some circumstances the manager may authorise TWO essential visitors to visit at one time.
  • If you think your loved one would benefit from this type of visit, please speak to your home manager about becoming an essential visitor.
  • We will need to agree how often you visit, when and what support or practical help you will provide.
  • You will have the same testing regime as our team to include a weekly PCR test taken at the home with the homes e mail address used for results. And two LFT a week provided by us, one on the same day as your PCR and one 3 to 4 days later.


If you have not visited your loved one because they have dementia, and you have concerns of any type or are worried about how they will respond by maybe not social distancing and trying to touch you etc. Then please ask your home manager to speak to our Dementia Manager, Karen Middleton, who will help you and the home to make visits possible. This organisation advocates and provides support for families of residents living with dementia who are finding it difficult

Homes Visiting Update


Dear Residents, Families and Friends.

I hope you are keeping well. Here is our updated guidance on how we can support you to visit your loved ones based on the government care home visiting guidelines published yesterday.

The changes, in brief, are that we must now limit visits to ONE essential visitor or a group of THREE visitors maximum plus pre-school age children.


For the safety of your loved ones all team, healthcare professionals and contractors must be fully vaccinated, or medically exempt, prior to entering our care homes. The government now strongly recommend the same for family visitors, but they are not requiring this. We believe that you, the relatives, should vote to decide this important question. Please click on the link to our survey and answer YES or NO to ‘Should all visitors be fully vaccinated to enter our care homes’ follow this link to take the survey. The survey will close Thursday 16th December at 16.00 and we will then announce the result.

Our full revised visiting arrangements are detailed below with changes in red and commence from Saturday 18th December.

Yours sincerely

Dave Lock

Executive Chair


  • You can make visiting entry appointments via our Adept Care Homes website.
  • Entry times are available at 15-minute intervals to allow our team to screen visitors and to prevent excessive people in the entrance and corridors.
  • You may visit as often as you like providing entry times are available for everyone to do so.
  • To protect mealtimes, entry times are available from 10.00 to 11.45, 14.00 to 16.30, and 18.00 to 19.30 and we ask all visitors to leave our care home between 12.15 to 14.00 and 16.45 to 18.00.
  • We will review the entry time frequency closer to Christmas for the expected increased demand over the festive period, or before if necessary.
  • Apart from mealtimes you may spend as long as you wish with your loved one but upon arrival, please let us know your estimated departure time.
  • Your visits will be in the comfort and privacy of your loved one’s room.
  • You may visit your loved one in a group of up to a maximum of THREE visitors in total, (excluding essential visitors and pre-school age children). Please consider how room overcrowding may create anxiety for your loved one.
  • You must not access any other area of the care home, including toilets, except for your loved one’s room and children should be supervised accordingly.
  • Each visitor, including children over the age of 4 years, must provide proof of a negative lateral flow test (LFT) that has been registered on the government website on the day of your visit.
  • You may collect a LFT from our care home and conduct it at your home prior to visiting. Or you may conduct your LFT upon arrival at our care home, but you will have to wait up to 30 minutes for the result prior to entry.
  • Prior to entry you must have a successful screening by a team member who will ask you some infection control questions and do a temperature check.
  • You cannot visit if you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 or if you feel at all unwell even if you are vaccinated and have tested negative.
  • Upon entry our team will ask you to sanitise, or wash, your hands and provide you with PPE (surgical mask, apron, and gloves) to wear at all times within the care home.
  • You must follow all government Coronavirus guidelines at all times during your visit.
  • We encourage you to hug and hold your loved one’s hand to help their health and wellbeing. Gloves may be removed for hand holding but we ask for your hands to be washed before and afterwards and if there is no toilet in the room, please ask our team where to do this.
  • To keep visitor numbers inside our care homes down, please make any care queries about your loved one by phoning our care home and not during your visits.
  • Any items you bring in for your loved one should be easily cleanable like boxes but not flowers etc.
  • If you are exempt from wearing a face covering, you must inform us prior to visiting. We will consider the matter taking into account all circumstances such as your vaccination status and relationship to the resident.
  • Your visit is not conditional upon being fully vaccinated: however, this is strongly recommended by us and the government for the safety of your loved one and our other residents.
  • We will notify changes to our visiting arrangement via our text service so please ensure that our care home has your mobile phone number.
  • We may need to exclude a resident from receiving visits in rare exceptional circumstances should a risk assessment determines this is necessary i.e., particularly those clinically vulnerable to Covid.
  • Internal visiting may be suspended for a period, or cancelled, without notice upon guidance by our care homes’ local authority. However, visiting will then continue in our external visiting pods.


Our external Cabins and Gazebo will now only be utilised should a Covid-19 outbreak occur in our care home. Any 2 residents or team members testing positive is classed as an outbreak and these are mainly team infected within the local community who then isolate out of work to avoid infection risk within our care homes

  • You should book a 20-minute visiting slot via our website
  • You are not required to have RFT or wear a face mask.
  • You may hug your loved one before and after your visit.
  • You will not be able to enter any area of our care home including toilets.


You may take your loved one on visits out of our care homes and they may stay overnight in your home. However, we ask that you strictly follow our infection control and testing guidelines to keep your loved one safe and avoid return infection risk to our other residents.

  • You may take you loved one on external visits out of our care homes to visit your home or outdoor spaces such as parks, or public gardens.
  • Your loved one should not go into any indoor spaces other than your home.
  • They may stay overnight at your home subject to our care home’s prior risk assessment and authorisation.
  • Please agree collection and return times with our care home prior to your arrival.
  • Visitors must provide proof of a negative lateral flow test (LFT) that has been registered on the government’s website on the day of your visit.
  • You may collect a LFT from our care home and conduct it at your home prior to visiting. Or you may conduct it upon arrival at our care home, but you will have to wait up to 30 minutes for the result prior to entry.
  • Your loved one must only travel to and from the visit in your car or a private taxi and not by public transport.
  • All visitors to your home whilst your loved one is there must provide you proof of a negative LFT that has been registered on the government website on the day of their visit.
  • Residents will not have to self-isolate when they return.
  • If you need the support of a team escort, please discuss with our care home.


Essential visitors are given access to all communal areas of our homes and therefore must comply with the same stricter testing regime that our team do.

  • Essential visitors will usually continue visiting in the event of an outbreak unless we are requested not to by our local authority.
  • All residents may have ONE essential visitor (care giver) for regular internal visits who are authorised and registered with our care home.  
  • In some circumstances the manager may authorise TWO essential visitors to visit at one time.
  • If you think your loved one would benefit from this type of visit, please speak to your home manager about becoming an essential visitor.
  • We will need to agree how often you visit, when and what support or practical help you will provide.
  • You will have the same testing regime as our team to include a weekly PCR test taken at the home with the homes e mail address used for results. And two LFT a week provided by us, one on the same day as your PCR and one 3 to 4 days later.


If you have not visited your loved one because they have dementia, and you have concerns of any type or are worried about how they will respond by maybe not social distancing and trying to touch you etc. Then please ask your home manager to speak to our Dementia Manager, Karen Middleton, who will help you and the home to make visits possible. This organisation advocates and provides support for families of residents living with dementia who are finding it difficult

Team Update 1.12.21

Dear Team.

We have received new government visiting guidance with significant changes. We will review our visiting policies and provide our updated guidance later this week. The good news is that families will have much better access to their loved ones shortly. This should have a positive effect on home life for team and residents.

We believe that we have done better than most care providers and continue to provide the best care and resident-focused activities as possible. You can view our Autumn Newsletter here.

I have previously told you about our Pandemic Revival plan with major changes to help return our service to our pre-pandemic levels that make Adept ‘A superb place to live or work’. A main item of that plan was to thank you all for your hard work throughout Covid and reward you by bringing forward next April’s annual pay rise that you have been paid from 29th September 2021. We have also introduced our new team benefits package including private GP access, discounted shopping, cinema, bikes, etc. We hope these measures will encourage team retention and promote recruitment.

Another part of our plan was a management restructure. I would like to announce that Business Director Kenny Nelson has now stepped up to Managing Director, I have moved to Executive Chair, and two further new directors have been appointed. You can view details here. We have also made some changes to strengthen our management and enhance our homes support team. You can view our new management structure here.

Finally, I would like to say how proud we all are of adept’s achievements over this very difficult period by receiving ‘’ s Top 20 Best UK group award’ for the fifth year running as well as the Care Home Awards High Commendation Award for Best Small Care Home Group. So, thank you once again, we couldn’t have done it without you all.

Yours sincerely

Dave Lock

Executive Chair

Visiting Update 1.12.21

Dear Residents, Families and Friends.

We have received new government visiting guidance with significant changes. We will review our visiting policies and provide our updated guidance later this week. The good news is that you can expect much better access to your loved ones shortly.

In the meantime, I would like to relate to you how the past (nearly) two years of pandemic has affected our homes and the service we provide.

The challenges have placed unprecedented pressure on the whole care sector. I am sure that you have read about all of the issues in the media so there is no need for me to explain, except to say they have all added greatly to the workload and stress of our management and wider team. For a long time, our central homes support team were unable to visit homes to provide their essential support.  Inevitably, this and pandemic restrictions have affected some of the services that we provide to our residents.

However, we believe that we have done better than most care providers and continue to work hard to meet your loved ones needs. Where possible, all residents have received their Covid Boosters and 100% of our team are vaccinated, or medically exempt. We continue to provide the best care possible and deliver strong resident-focused activities in all the homes. You can view our Autumn Newsletter here.

With the potential of Covid being here for some time to come we have made a Pandemic Revival plan to push on with bold changes to return life in our homes to our pre-pandemic levels that make Adept ‘A superb place to live or work’.

Like all care providers, our greatest challenge is maintaining staffing levels to keep your loved ones safe. So, to thank all our team for their hard work throughout Covid we have brought forward April 2022 annual pay rise and increased pay by 6% on 29th September 2021. We have also introduced our new team benefits package including private GP access, discounted shopping, cinema, bikes, etc. These measures should encourage team retention, and to promote recruitment we offer a £600 Golden Hello payment.

I would like to announce that Business Director Kenny Nelson has now stepped up to Managing Director, I have moved to Executive Chair, and two further new directors have been appointed. You can view details here.  

We have also made some management changes to strengthen our management and enhance our homes support team. You can view our new management structure here.

Finally, I would like to say how proud we all are of adept’s achievements over this very difficult period by receiving ‘’ s Top 20 Best UK group award’ for the fifth year running as well as the Care Home Awards High Commendation Award for Best Small Care Home Group.

Yours sincerely

Dave Lock

Executive Chair

Management Restructure

Dear Team Members

I am pleased to announce a management restructure as the final part of our Post-pandemic Revival plan that will greatly strengthen our homes support.

These changes will be implemented over the coming weeks:

•             Quality Manager, Kader Daffe, moves to Area Manager (North) supporting Harrier House, Chetwynd House, Old Vicarage and Kiwi House

•             Relief manager, Nicky French, moves to Area Manager (South) supporting Douglas Court, Moat House, The Knowles, and Bowood Court & Mews (once new DC Home Manager is on-board and inducted)

•             Directors PA, Sara Heathcote, moves to Operations Support with the added responsibility for homes administrators’ induction and support.

•             New position of Compliance Manager, Trevor Slade, to audit and support homes quality and compliance.

•             Lifestyle & Dementia Manager, Karen Middleton, moves to Dementia Manager to focus solely on supporting homes dementia services.

•             Marketing & Technology Manager, Joe Lock, moves to Communities Director with a new responsibility for Residents Social Life.

•             Hospitality Manager, Rebecca Lambert’s role is extended to overseeing homes activities teams and aesthetics.

•             Employment Co-ordinator, Luke Arnold, moves to HR Assistant to better support homes recruitment

•             Return to pre-Covid regular face to face management meetings to rebuild management interaction and communications.

•             Our new Team Benefits Programme, accessible on-line or via our new App, will incorporate an adept intranet for whole team communications, plus an easy to access and improved document library.

•             Management roles not mentioned remain the same

Yours sincerely

Dave Lock

Managing Director

Post-pandemic Revival Plan. 28.09.21

Dear Team Members,

Before Covid, Adept was widely regarded as a high-quality provider that promoted continuous improvement. However, the unprecedented pressure endured over the last 18 months meant that we had to focus solely on getting through the pandemic. This placed a huge extra workload and stress on management and team that has affected our service provided to our residents. Now with the worst of Covid behind us (hopefully), it’s time to push forward with bold changes to ‘make adept great again’ (no pun intended)!

This week I will announce our revival plan to help Adept recover to our pre-pandemic level for homes management support and service quality.

I am pleased to announce that all team members will receive an immediate pay rise:
• We have allocated an additional £250,000.00 to bring forward your next April’s annual pay rise as a big thank you for all your hard work during covid.
• Your pay will increase by 3% or 50p per hour, whichever is the higher!
• For our hourly paid team this starts tomorrow, Wednesday 29th September, and for our salaried team from Friday 1st October.
• This means at least £1,000 per year more for all full timers!
• The carers temporary £1phr overtime (above contracted hours) will continue UFN.
• Recent recruits receiving the new Relocation Allowance will receive this pay rise once your probationary period is completed.
• We will still increase your pay in April to offset the new 1.25% employee H&SC Levy as promised.

I will make further announcements over the next few days.

Yours sincerely

Dave Lock

Managing Director

Professional Care Workers Week, 6th – 10th September. 08.09.21

Dear Team.

Monday 6th – Saturday 10th September is Professional Care Workers’ Week. This is an annual campaign designed to shine a light on the work happening in the social care sector as well as to give thanks to the hard work of people working in social care and the wider sector.

The incredibly supportive team of Adept Care Homes are no exception, and we want to say a huge thank you to each of you for your continued hard work.

The directors had planned to visit all 8 of our homes to say thank you in person and to give each member of our hard-working team a gift to show our appreciation for all that you do. Sadly however, due to covid outbreaks and team shortages we need to send our thanks in the form of this letter instead.

Please see your Home Manager before the end of the week for a special thank you gift as well as a card from the directors at Adept.

On behalf of all of the directors, I would like to say a huge THANK YOU again to everyone in our care team.

Yours sincerely

Dave Lock

Managing Director

Kiwi House Update 01.09.21

Dear Residents, Families and Friends.

We have made significant improvements in many areas of our service since the CQC inspection on 20th April.

After the inspection we put an immediate voluntary stop on admissions to ease the team workload pressure and concentrate on our recovery plan. We take the responsibility of caring for your loved ones very seriously and the plan covered actions to improve every area that needed improvement, and a good amount has been put in place. Linda Sturdy, an experienced Home Manager, joined Kiwi House a month ago and has now settled in. We have created 2 new group positions to bolster support for all our homes; Nicky French is our Relief Manager after many years with us as a successful Home Manager, and Trevor Slade, an experience Compliance Manager, joined us a month ago.

Maria Hallam is returning to work alongside Linda as Care Manager shortly after a spell at one of our other homes. Jordele has returned to us with a promotion to Care Co-ordinator, and several other good ex-team members have re-joined the team. The team now feel a lot more supported.

I would like to thank our team for working so hard to improve the service quality since the inspection. However, we all fully understand that there is still much more to do and admissions will only restart once we consider that our service has returned to our previous quality.

Please refer any comments or queries to Linda at Kiwi House.

Yours sincerely

Dave Lock

Managing Director