Chetwynd House Care Home took residents on a trip down memory lane with the launch of its first-ever Dementia Café in February. The Alzheimer’s Society launched the project to provide a warm welcome and comfortable environment for people with dementia and their carers to meet with others in a relaxed social setting.
“Our new Dementia Café is a free of charge, friendly place where people in the community living with and affected by dementia can come together. We aim to help by sharing experiences, talking to others in a similar situation and also getting information from professionals,” explained John Jones, age, Chair of the Chetwynd House Resident Committee
“I was delighted to open our first Dementia Café which is also a great way to socialise and will run monthly from now on. The turnout from the local community, healthcare workers as well as our friends and loved ones was very pleasing!” added John.
For more information, please contact Karen Middleton on 07856 77 55 72
“A lot of people will be stimulated by this. It’s a great place for people to come together. We’ve been into a lot of care homes, this cafe is absolutely marvelous, one of the best I have ever seen.” – Barry & Iain, East Midlands Ambulance Service