Homes Visiting Update 18.8.21

Dear Residents, Families and Friends.

There remains very little change to the government’s guidelines on care home visiting. We still agree with this cautious approach to prioritise the safety of your loved ones in our care. However, we sincerely hope that we can open visiting up further in the near future as government guidelines allow.

Over 90% of our team have now received at least one vaccination and all are required to be double vaccinated by 11th November unless they have a medical exemption. This will also be the case for all care home visitors such as: health professionals, entertainers, contractors etc. However, government guidance excludes resident relatives from needing to be double vaccinated.

Our full visiting arrangements are detailed below with any visiting changes in red/bold. 

Yours sincerely

Dave Lock

Managing Director


The following applies to Cabins, Gazebos, and Internal visits (not external/out of home)

  • Visiting appointments are to be booked via our website.
  • Visiting slots are for 20-minutes because of limitations of team resources.
  • Number of visits is a max of 2 visits per week for each resident.
  • Number of visits is a max of 1 visit per week for each household or 2 if you are the only household visiting. Additional visits may be possible subject to availability, please liaise with the home.
  • All Coronavirus guidelines as set by the government are to be followed.
  • Maintain as much distance as possible from all people during the visit unless hand holding has been agreed prior to the visit.
  • Care queries about your loved one should be made by calling the home and not during your visits.
  • Items brought for residents should be easily cleanable; boxes are good but not flowers etc.
  • Virtual communication is encouraged, and resident assistance is available if resources allow.
  • Visiting arrangement changes are notified via our text service so please ensure that the home has your mobile phone number.
  • Resident exclusion from receiving visits may have to be made by us in exceptional circumstances if a risk assessment determines this is necessary i.e., particularly those clinically vulnerable to Covid.
  • Face coverings required unless you are exempt or wearing one distress’s your loved one living with dementia, in which case please inform us prior to visiting, in such case you will need to wear a face visor. To make communication easier speak loudly and clearly whilst keeping eye contact and avoid concealing your face further with say, a hat.
  • Visits are not conditional upon vaccination; however, it double jabs are strongly recommended for the safety of your loved one and all other residents.
  • Visiting may be suspended for a period, or cancelled, with no, or short, notice upon guidance by the homes’ local authority.


  • Up to 4 adults and 2 children maximum per visit. 
  • Arrive at least 5 minutes prior to appointment time for Covid screening including a temperature check.
  • Rapid tests are not required.
  • Hugs and contact are to be avoided.
  • Face coverings are to be worn to and from the cabin.
  • No Internal access to any internal areas of the home including toilets.


  • As cabins except that face coverings are to be worn at all times during the visit.


  • Visiting appointments are to be booked via our website for either a cabin or gazebo.
  • Call the home after making this appointment to ask for your visit to be converted to an internal visit.
  • Arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your appointment time for Rapid Lateral Flow test and screening including a temperature check.
  • PPE (surgical mask, apron and gloves provided) are to be worn at all times during the visit.
  • The visiting area will be a designated safe place.
  • There will be no access to any other internal areas of the home including toilets except for handwashing.
  • Ensure you hand wash and/or use gel.
  • Each resident may have an UNLIMITED number of named visitors.
  • Each resident may have up to FOUR named visitors attending a visit at one time.
  • Up to TWO small children under 4 years old may also attend the visit and are not subject to testing requirements or PPE use.
  • Visitors must keep physical contact with residents to a minimum. Handholding is possible subject to prior hand washing. Hugs are higher risk but possible if brief and between double vaccinated people without face-to-face contact.


Residents may leave our care homes to visit named visitors’ homes or outdoor spaces such as parks, or public gardens. Overnight stays with named visitors are possible subject to the home’s prior risk assessment and approval.

  • Named visitors information is the same as for internal visits
  • Each resident can go out with or meet up with up to FIVE named visitors.
  • Residents will not have to self-isolate when they return.
  • If you need the support of a team escort, please discuss with the home.
  • Collection and return times must be prearranged and approved by the home.
  • Named individuals collecting residents should arrive 30 minutes prior to the collection time to take a Rapid Lateral Flow Test and undergo Covid health screening (not essential visitors who follow team testing routine).
  • Named individuals must wear a mask and gloves at all times during the visit.
  • At least one of the named visitors must stay with the resident at all times.
  • The resident must not meet people that are not named visitors or go into any indoor spaces other than a named visitors home or to use toilet facilities.
  • The resident must only travel to and from the visit in the named visitors car or a private taxi and not by public transport.


  • ALL residents may have ONE ‘essential visitor’ (care giver) for regular internal visits that must be registered with the home.
  • If you think your loved one would benefit from this type of visit, please speak to your home manager about becoming an essential visitor.
  • We will need to agree how often you visit, when and what support or practical help you will provide.
  • You will be subject to the same testing regime as our team.
  • Essential visitors are considered exceptional circumstances and should continue in the event of an outbreak unless there are specific reasons not to do so.


If you have not visited your loved one because they have dementia, and you have concerns of any type or are worried about how they will respond by maybe not social distancing and trying to touch you etc. Then please ask your home manager to speak to our Dementia Manager, Karen Middleton, who will help you and the home to make visits possible. This organisation advocates and provides support for families of residents living with dementia who are finding it difficult

Local care home welcomes new residents

The family-run home in the heart of Clay Cross has been welcoming new residents as the home sees a glimmer of normality following the global pandemic. Meet Beryl, one of the new residents at Old Vicarage.

“I moved to Old Vicarage as I was finding it increasingly difficult to manage at home but since moving, I have been so happy and had the best time.” explained Beryl.

New resident, Beryl holding medal
Continue reading “Local care home welcomes new residents”

Douglas Court provide a tasty food dining experience

Our residents have been exploring the world of flavour through weekly taster sessions. The food tasting experiences took residents on a gastronomic journey through a host of new dishes and flavours to find out what they would like to see more of on future menus.

The ‘Flavours from around the world’ taster session gave residents the opportunity to try exciting new foods from Italy, India, and the Caribbean.  

“The taster sessions went down a real treat with all the residents. We regularly encourage feedback about the food on our menus, so this was a great opportunity to get that feedback whilst having a lot of fun! We will definitely be planning more taster sessions in the future as part of our social programme.” mentioned Kate Gilvear, Home Manager.

Continue reading “Douglas Court provide a tasty food dining experience”

Residents ‘going for gold’ in Harrier House Olympics.

Harrier House hosted their very own ‘Olympics’ to mark the start of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. The aim of the event was to promote healthy activities and exercise amongst the residents.

“It is extremely important that we encourage physical activity with our residents. We regularly do this through our busy social programme that the residents love, so we knew the sports day would be a great event that everyone would love to get involved in!” Said Samantha, Home Manager.

Continue reading “Residents ‘going for gold’ in Harrier House Olympics.”

Official Open Day postponed due to care home COVID-19 restrictions  

Adept Care Homes have postponed the official opening of their brand-new care home, Harrier House, due to the delay in relaxing COVID-19 guidelines.

The celebratory event was due to take place on Saturday 31st July at Harrier House, Hucknall, however, due to a delay in easing COVID-19 restrictions the event has now been postponed with a new date to be announced in the future.

Continue reading “Official Open Day postponed due to care home COVID-19 restrictions  “

Moat House care home proudly present a cheque to Edgar’s gift

Moat House care home proudly present a cheque to Edgar’s gift
From left to right, Dave Lock (Adept Care Homes), Molly (Edgar’s gift) and David Clarke (Edgar’s Gift)

Residents at Moat House Care Home gathered in the sunshine to witness the handover of their generous donation to local charity, Edgar’s gift. The cheque was presented to Chair of Edgar’s gift, David Clarke, who was joined by his partner Molly, for the special occasion.

Edgar’s gift is a charity set up in 2010 in memory of Ben Edkins (nickname Edgar), who passed away following a yearlong fight with cancer. The charity provides gifts and unique experiences for young adults aged 18-30 suffering from cancer, such as use of the charities static caravan on the east coast of Lincolnshire which they use to offer free holidays to cancer patients and their families/friends.

Continue reading “Moat House care home proudly present a cheque to Edgar’s gift”

Moat House Salutes Former Resident with Donation to the Royal British Legion

Residents at Burbage-based Moat House Care Home proudly presented a cheque on behalf of the home to remember former Moat House resident and former President of The Royal British Legion’s Hinckley Branch, Ronald (Ron) Collyer.

Moat House Salutes Former Resident with Donation to the Royal British Legion

Dave Lock (Centre -Adept) presents Lloyd Bagshaw (-second from right -RBL) with Cheque, Barbara (Left)

The cheque was presented to Branch Chairman, Lloyd Bagshaw who was joined by other members of the RBL and Ron’s children, Ian and Barbara, as part of the VE Day celebrations held in the gardens at Moat House Care Home. The donation from the residents who’s fundraising efforts will help place a commemorative bench, ‘pride of place’ in front of the war memorial in Argents Mead to honour of Ron.

Continue reading “Moat House Salutes Former Resident with Donation to the Royal British Legion”

‘And They’re Off’…. To Celebrate Joan’s Milestone 100th Birthday

Joan Daniels (100), celebrated her 100th Birthday at her home, Douglas Court Care Home in Derby. Joan has only one surviving relative, a niece, who surprised her with a visit on the morning of her birthday.

Douglas Court, who usually celebrates every resident’s birthday with an extravagant party and a special visit from their family, wanted to make this birthday extra special. Douglas Court’s team arranged a ‘day at the races’ and a special delivery to surprise the centurion. With a special guest, Alfie the Horse delivering a bouquet of flowers and the Queen’s telegram, together with lavish birthday celebrations, a royal themed garden tea party and live entertainment to mark this, her milestone 100th birthday.

Continue reading “‘And They’re Off’…. To Celebrate Joan’s Milestone 100th Birthday”

Bowood Court and Mews is the ‘Best of the Bunch’ Says Ex-Care Manager

Sarah Baker (88), a former Care Manager the Hanover Housing Association, recently singled out Local Care Home, Bowood Court and Mews as ‘Best of the Bunch’.

Bowood Court and Mews welcomed Sarah in March 2021. “We have such a laugh here and I love the company. It’s been wonderful and I have met so many lovely people. Being a Care Manager for over 40 years, you get to know what to look for in a care home. I have been here for nearly 2 months now and I cannot complain, it’s the best of the bunch.”

Continue reading “Bowood Court and Mews is the ‘Best of the Bunch’ Says Ex-Care Manager”